
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I won't share this piece of paper, I won't!

A package arrived last week, and inside was a large piece of brown paper (a favorite of many cats). All three were interested in the new "toy," but Tucker immediately claimed it as his.

Soon he parked himself on the paper and hissed away anyone who tried to come near.

You mean I need to share? But I "need" all of this bag. It barely fits!


  1. Hmm, I think you need to place an order with a company that uses more packing paper!

  2. You are such a cutie, Tucker!!!!!!!! Good job in being first to claim the paper!!!!!!!


  3. Tucker, tell them who is boss! but what happens if you have to go to the litter boys room?

  4. Beautiful Tucker!! LOL!! Awwww me and Charlie don't blame you for hogging the paper cos it's brilliant paper!!! Yay!!! We hope that lovely Sadie and sweet Benny get to have a go at it too though! Take care

  5. Tucker has the sweetest little face! I love how he manages to look incredibly adorable while being hissy and territorial.

  6. I'm with Natalie. They can sure turn on the charm while doing their own thing. Love the pix.

    And yes, more paper is needed. We keep paper shopping bags in store so all the boys can have their own for cuddlin or rompin.
