Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Special Tucker drawing

Thank you to everyone who shared their "rallying" moments with us. It is comforting to know Tucker's situation was not unique. I take comfort that I was able to share morning routines with him on his final day on Earth.

I wanted to share this drawing my niece (age 10) sent to me. She captured his colorings so well, and I appreciate that she tried to make it a "happy" picture. I'd like to think that Tucker is chasing butterflies on the Bridge.

It was also touching that, inside of the card she sent, she wrote "He is always in your heart." She is wise beyond her years.


Cats Herd You said...

What a sweet drawing! Kids sometimes know a lot more than we give them credit. Purrs for you from all of us.

The Island Cats said...

That was very sweet of your niece.

Summer at said...

Your niece made the best card! That was so dear of her.

Fuzzy Tales said...

That cared was so sweet. I'm sure you must have shed a few tears over that. (((Hugs)))

The Rosie Bee said...

This is so thoughtful and so sweet.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Children can always surprising up with their wisdom

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

This is so special.. something you will cherish for years to come

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

she most definitely is. I would frame that and put it somewhere where I could see it every day to make me smile.

Roberta said...

That is a beautiful and touching drawing done by your niece. She drew it from the heart. I, too, want to think our babies are chasing beautiful butterflies in kitty heaven.


That is so lovely. Butterflies have special significance. They signify rebirth. A few days after I lost Abby, a black butterfly (which I photographed) followed me around the yard as I worked outside. It encircled me three times going around and around my body. I had no doubt it was Abby. That butterfly visited me several times and I always believed it was Abby. I haven't seen many butterflies this spring/summer but during late summer last year I was besieged by them. So the butterflies around Tucker are very special.

Fur Everywhere said...

Awwww, that's such a sweet card! What a great niece you have :)

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

What a sweet, precious card! That will be something to treasure forever.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

So sweet and precious. Children can be wise beyond their years, and their faith in life is so simple, and their love so pure.
Your niece no doubt will grow up to be very caring. Like her aunt and uncle!
Still sending lots of (((hugs))).

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

So sweet and precious. Children can be wise beyond their years, and their faith in life is so simple, and their love so pure.
Your niece no doubt will grow up to be very caring. Like her aunt and uncle!
Still sending lots of (((hugs))).

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

So sweet and precious. Children can be wise beyond their years, and their faith in life is so simple, and their love so pure.
Your niece no doubt will grow up to be very caring. Like her aunt and uncle!
Still sending lots of (((hugs))).

Natalie said...

What a sweet and wise girl your niece is.

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