Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What did Sadie steal?

Lots of fun guesses! Amy from the House of Cats came the closest, with her guess of a Poptart (though Benny has tried to eat those in the past).

In the past, Sadie has eaten a Hostess cupcake, popcorn, and Cheetos
This time, it was (drum roll) a Twinkie! See Exhibit A for evidence:

She managed to remove just one Twinkie (which is hardly food IMO) from the box and onto the kitchen floor.


Anonymous said...

She even unwrapped it! Now that's talent!

Cassie and Aerin said...

Eww, that just doesn't look like a good idea at all, Sadie. Unless it was tuna flavored?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We love Twinkies! especially the cream in the center!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Sadie, you are one talented kitty!!!!!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Way to go Sadie! WE guessed poptart because we have done that before (took it out of the box in the wrapper and got into it and ate some). So we totally understand how she got just the one twinkie out - it is a trick us cats can't really share though!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww gorgeous Sadie!! You are just so so so clever!! Me and Charlie loved how you take the cheetos out of the bag! LOL!! And you like your popcorn too! You're so funny!!

That twinkie looks really yummy! We hope you enjoyed it! Take care

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

What talent!
Cake with cream in the middle.
Was it good? We don't have that kind of food here.
Can I visit??

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Wow, she's pretty dexterous - I can't believe she got it unwrapped! Looks a little gross, though...

A few Good Cats said...

Nice job, Sadie. Next, you should learn how to open cans, and you'll be good to go.

(Trick question! You said it was a food item...)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You go girl! You are our hero!!!

Lucy and some friends