Monday, April 29, 2024

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd quickly run away.

Not me!

Orange cat next to rug

Nothing to see here.

orange cat walking toward you

Friday, April 26, 2024

Finally Friday from ridiculous Ringo

 I was on a work trip last week to Pennsylvania. It was a four day, three night whirlwind where I met tons of people and got many good contacts. Unfortunately, it was part of the weekend, so I feel pretty fried.

Please enjoy these photos of ridiculous Ringo in the sunbeam.

black and white cat in sunbeam

black and white cat in sunbeam

black and white cat in sunbeam

Friday, April 5, 2024

A Sadie while I work from home

 I could hardly believe my eyes a couple of weeks ago. Sadie came and sat on the futon behind me as I worked from home one day. She'd never done that before.

calico cat on futon

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Thrifty Thursday: Wand cat toy


This is Ringo. I told Mom that I wanted to host today's Thrifty Thursday. On Monday, Mom had a vacation day and in the afternoon, she went to something called a Goodwill Outlet in Milwaukee. You dig through bins and buy items by the pound.

Mom found a wand cat toy, and it's my new favorite! I carry it all around the house and deliver it to Dad's bathroom door.

I let Mom photograph it, but now it's mine again. I hope she goes there again because I'd love to have another cat toy like this. She says she will keep a lookout for me.

cat next to cat toy

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chillin' Ringo

 Ringo was acting so cute on the upstairs cat tree. Thankfully, he doesn't bother the ivy plant nearby.

black and white cat on cat tree

Monday, March 11, 2024

Two kitties in a basket

 Check out this cuteness! Lucy and Ringo both squeezed into the old wicker bed. We've had this bed for many years; it was Benny's when he was a kitten. We love that the kitties still use it.

two cats in a wicker basket

two cats in a wicker basket

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thrifty Thursday: Another cat pin


I found a rather unusual pin recently.

golden cat brooch

Bonus! This isn't secondhand, since I purchased it new at Marshall's over the weekend. I couldn't resist the design of this shirt.

white shirt with cat design

close up of shirt design

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd ...