Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No basket? No problem!

To answer a question from yesterday's caterwauling post, Tucker does this at various times throughout the day. There doesn't seem to be a pattern or reason why. He does seem to yowl in areas that echo, like the stairwells or by the back door. When he first started caterwauling, I thought he was going to vomit or something! Now I know to just ignore it and let him sing.

On to today's post!
I had put a few clean pieces of laundry on the counter, and Tucker decided to sit on them, even without a laundry basket. Hee.


Amy J said...

Impressive way to deal with the no-basket challenge!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Mom, it's all about the warmth. It's all about putting your special furs on fresh stuff that doesn't have any.
That's helpful!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Good job helping with the laundry, Tucker!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww Tucker!! What a wonderful kitty you are!! Yay!

Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

Fresh clothes need fur, no matter where they are!

Roberta said...

Clean clothes need a kitty's scent before it can be worn. Mommy or Daddy will be able to smell you all day, sweet Tucker.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Who needs a basket when the clothes are there?? Baskets contain, without it, you can spread alllll out!

The Island Cats said...

Tucker, you're making those clothes just right now!!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Just tell your mom that you're "ironing",

Lucy and some friends