Friday, October 12, 2012

Duffel bag kitty. . and news

Our friends at TK and Squashies got some very bad news last night. I know they would appreciate some good thoughts and purrs. (Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for the graphic.)

I'm happy to say that I saw Bella last night as I was walking across the backyard! She was at the feeding station, which is in a protected area, which is good because it was raining. She didn't notice me at first, and of course she dashed away when she saw me, but I was close enough (3-4 feet) that I got a decent look at her. Her fur looks good and she appeared healthy--though I'd forgotten how petite she was.

Tucker sits on my gym bag.
If it's on the floor, then I can sit on it! 


Fuzzy Tales said...

We're glad Bella seems to be doing well!

Tucker, surely you don't need a workout?

Or maybe the idea is that if your human lifts you (and the gym bag) up and down a dozen times, that IS the workout!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

And it has such lovely mom smells!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Glad Bella is looking healthy! Tucker is right. on the floor, couch, table bed and it belongs to the cats

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

if I fits (and sometimes when I don't) I sits..

:) I sure do love Tucker's cute little face.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for bella Bella!!! Glad she's doing ok and yay for looking out for her!!

Awww Tucker - of course if it's on the floor it's yours! Yay!!

We are so sad to read about sweet Squashies. :-(

Take care

Roberta said...

What devastating news about Squashies. I'm so sorry. Looks like Tucker is ready for the gym, too. He might like the treadmill.

The Island Cats said...

It's nice to hear Bella is doing okay. those shoes smell? ;)

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd ...