Monday, October 14, 2013

Benny as Captain America

Last but not least, I tried the beloved Captain America shirt on Benny. He was NOT thrilled about this and I really didn't get any spectacular photos. They are all blurry to some degree, but I will share them anyway. Boy the cats are going to be glad when Halloween season is over!


Old Kitty said...

Awwww Benny!! It does look cute on you though! Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

::bwa ha ha ha ha!!!::

Saku said...

Run Benny run! MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I have put hats on my cats. I have never tried a shirt. I think they would run around crazy, trying to get out of it. I guess Benny knows he is Captain America.

Summer at said...

I'm just glad this was not me!

Roberta said...

You are the cat's meow in that Capt. America shirt, Benny. I bet the kitties are glad their ordeal is over with. Reminds me of the saying "Does this make my butt look big?" LOL

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Benny, that shirt shows off your manly muscles!

tedder said...

this is great! I did a roundup of shirt wearers:

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

You can almost feel his annoyance!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Hee! Poor little Benny--he does not look pleased. But he looks awfully cute!!

Turned around and growing like crazy!

 Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...