Monday, October 28, 2013

Benny's eyeball

I've been trying to get this shot for months, and finally succeeded!

If you're a regular here, you might remember that Benny sees an animal eye doctor twice per year. He has cataracts in both eyes and his right eye has glaucoma. The glaucoma has caused some interesting pigmentation in his eye that appear as brown areas. You can see it in his photo here. Click on the photo to biggify and get a better view.

The doctor has told us that sometimes, the pigmentation can be cancerous. Thankfully, the coloring has stabilized and doesn't seem to be a problem. The only "cure" would be to remove the eye, which we don't want to do unless there is no other choice.

He is due for another check up soon, and we'll update you on what the doc says.


Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Benny!!!! We think this is a stunning shot but we so hope you have a good vet's visit with regards to the glaucoma and cataracts. Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you get a good check up!

Summer at said...

Purrs and paws crossed for Benny! I do have to say, the brown areas are actually quite pretty - too bad they are not good. :-(

Katnip Lounge said...

We agree with Sparkle--the brown and green combo is unusual and striking.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You have beautiful eyes!
Mommy had cat-er-act surgery. Do they do that for kitties?

Rene said...

^^ Quinn, we've been told Benny would not be a candidate for cataract surgery. The cataract in his bad eye has "re-absorbed" back into the eye, taking the lens with it. It is a strange situation that makes me nervous, and we are monitoring it with the doctors.

Roberta said...

It is a relief to hear that the coloring has stabilized. I hope and pray it will never ever give sweet Benny problems and he gets a good report from the doc.

The Island Cats said...

We purr that Benny's eye remains the status quo.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I adore that you monitor this so closely.. I hope it never turns into anything..

Saku said...

You've got me curious now, as my Sami has had a discolored eye since she was a kitten. Lately, it seems to have encompassed more of her eye.

Does Benny have difficulty with his sight? And if he does, how did you identify the problem?

Btw, the shot is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and mysterious looking eye, Benny.

Lyss said...

Came here wondering about my 14 year old fur baby- both eyes have similar greyish marks between the pupil and the outside edge of the iris... Noticed fairly recently and I tell myself I would have noticed it if it had started a while ago... I've been Googling and it does b t look like the common freckles or brown (she does have a few little brown specks near the outer edge as well tho) I am concerned about it but wouldn't want to stress her out by bringing her to a vet esp during Covid craziness... and not sure if eye removal is even fathomable �� hoping someone has experienced this and may know what it is. I have pix but can't figure out how to share here

Lucy and some friends