Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Look at this cute face

 Jules is doing well. He loves playing, his brother Ringo, and is curious about Lucy but she keeps him at arm's length for now.

tabby kitten looking at camera


Friday, February 21, 2025

R is for Ringo

 I noticed Ringo was sitting next to the letter R I have in my office.

black and white cat in the sunbeam


black and white cat next to a metal letter R

Monday, February 10, 2025

Turned around and growing like crazy!

 Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd like, they have improved a lot since a week ago. We'll continue giving probiotics for a while, given that he recently was on antibiotics. He's eating like crazy and is back to gaining weight.

He's enamored with both Lucy and Ringo, but especially Ringo. Ringo has been so patient and good with Jules, and this morning, he let Jules tackle him and they wrestled a little bit!


two cats wrestling on a carpet with toys around them

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

So far, so good

 I'm happy to report that Jules has been doing better since our vet visit. He's eating again without vomiting and overall seems perkier. We are checking the litter box, waiting for some output to let us know things are moving through his system normally. We're also waiting to hear back about his fecal sample testing.

He spent about 90 minutes in my lap last night. Gosh, this kitten is a love bug.

tabby cat in lap

Monday, February 3, 2025

A little scare with Jules

 We've been battling soft stools since we adopted Jules, not uncommon with kittens. We dropped off a stool sample at the vet's right away, and the following week the vet gave him a dewormer just in case.

Things had started to improve, but then took a tumble this weekend. By Saturday afternoon he had watery stool (sorry if TMI) and by Monday morning, he was also vomiting. That scared me, so off to the vet's he went this morning. We brought along another stool sample. The in-house test was negative but they also sent some out just in case.

He got fluids, cerenia, and metronidazole, plus a couple of x-rays. The vet was concerned about a possible area in his gut. We are hoping it's just a big pocket of gas, but he couldn't tell for sure.

We're watching and waiting right now. So far, he seems ok and has eaten some food.

Here he is in the very old, yet very beloved wicker bed. This bed is about 25 years old and every cat we've had loves/loved it. Looks like Jules approves too.

Lucy and some friends