Monday, February 3, 2025

A little scare with Jules

 We've been battling soft stools since we adopted Jules, not uncommon with kittens. We dropped off a stool sample at the vet's right away, and the following week the vet gave him a dewormer just in case.

Things had started to improve, but then took a tumble this weekend. By Saturday afternoon he had watery stool (sorry if TMI) and by Monday morning, he was also vomiting. That scared me, so off to the vet's he went this morning. We brought along another stool sample. The in-house test was negative but they also sent some out just in case.

He got fluids, cerenia, and metronidazole, plus a couple of x-rays. The vet was concerned about a possible area in his gut. We are hoping it's just a big pocket of gas, but he couldn't tell for sure.

We're watching and waiting right now. So far, he seems ok and has eaten some food.

Here he is in the very old, yet very beloved wicker bed. This bed is about 25 years old and every cat we've had loves/loved it. Looks like Jules approves too.


TurtleLover said...

Purrrrrrayers for Jules!

The Island Cats said...

Poor Jules! Maybe a good probiotic could help?

Eastside Cats said...

Sending purrs for Jules!
Poor baby.

Lucy and some friends