Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'll take the basket; you take the towels

It's nice when you guys can share.


Becky said...

lol@the one in the basket.He wont give that up,hes to cozy and comfy.Meow hugs for them.

Amy J said...

Aerin and Cassie advise that you need a second laundry basket.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

At least they are sharing!

Old Kitty said...

LOL!! Sweet Tucker! You expression in the second pic is just adorable! Yay for you too lovely Benny! Big wave hello to gorgeous Sadie! take care

Roberta said...

Oh, what a darling picture of Tucker and Benny. I hope Tucker gave you a chance to sit in the basket when he was done, Benny. Mom needs a bigger basket and more towels.

The Island Cats said...

And then later you can switch!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Those two are such cute brothers. I love how peacefully they share and hang out together.

Elizabeth and Connor said...

How sweet! They are "ironing" for you!

Lucy and some friends