Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My piano buddy

I recently decided to practice piano more regularly. I took lessons for nine years as a kid, but life gets crazy, and practice would fall to the bottom of the to-do list. I missed playing, so I got out a book of sonatinas and started playing.

Tucker was creeping closer and closer, so I pulled up a chair. To my delight, he jumped up. I love how happy he looks here.

Now, he'll look for the chair anytime I sit on the piano bench. He's a great partner and a good listener.

In other news, Jim saw Bella again on Sunday night. He talked to her from a distance, and she again walked down our driveway. :-)


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

How wonderful!! it is great that you are playing again, and great that you have a partner!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Having Tucker sit and admire you should encourage you to practice!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

How could you ever stop playing with such an adoring content kitty listening?

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Tucker! You like to sing and you like to listen to your mum playing! Yay!! You are one creative talented kitty!

Aww great news about Bella!

Hugs too to adorable Sadie and Benny! Take care

Cat said...

"music hath charms to sooth the savage breast"! I think Tucker looks very soothed :-)

Thank you for your blogoversary wishes :-)

Roberta said...

You make a good piano critic, Tucker.

Amy J said...

Such a lovely audience!

Somehow, I fear my girls would not be as appreciative if I braved trying my clarinet after all these years. :-)

The Island Cats said...

How nice to have a piano buddy!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Kitties respond so well to pleasing music. I have a playlist of piano pieces that I play at bedtime and the kitties come snuggle.

Becky said...

My daughter has recently decided to play piano again.Im so happy.Kitty looks like he would just love to try.ha.Meow hugs!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That is so sweet that Tucker likes your music!! I was a clarinet player for a long time, but my cats would always run when I got the instrument out. Scarlett and Melly are anti-music, I think: Melly squawks at me if I so much as hum.

Lucy and some friends