Friday, November 8, 2013

Asking for purrs and good thoughts

I can't believe I'm writing this post. Tucker escaped from the house last night and is missing. As an old guy, he sleeps a lot and I assumed he was sleeping in his carrier like he often does. I think he slipped outside when I took out the trash, but I never saw or heard him.

Jim and I canvassed the neighborhood, passed out flyers, talked to people, until nearly midnight. Jim went out afterward on his bike until nearly 1.Then we were up at 6, catching neighbors as they left for work and searching again.

I've filed a report with the local humane society, called my vet, posted on craigslist. I've cried for hours and am crying again, for the guilt, the pain, the worry. Oh Tucker kitty, please come home. 

We'd sure appreciate any good thoughts and purrs to bring him home. I never imagined this would happen and it seems so surreal. Going to sign off now. . .


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

So many purrs from The Crew and all I can muster for you and Jim and Tucker (and Benny and Sadie who I am sure are very confused)

I hope he is home soon!

Random Felines said...

oh no....sending purrs he comes home quick. our Tommy got out once and it scared mom to no end (she eventually found him under the a/c unit at the neighbor's house)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Purrs and woofs from all of us Funny Farmers. We know how scary it is when one is missing. We hope Tucker is safely home soon.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I've been there and it is terrifying. Purrs and prayers to all of you that Tucker comes home soon. Hugs!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh NO. TONS of purrs and prayers coming your way...The Baby went missing for two days a while back and it was the worst experience.
Tucker, please go home.

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! One of the cats that came before us got out one night and the mom and dad were frantic looking for him. Check under every bush, tree, anywhere he might hide.

We won't stop purring until he is safely back home.

The Rosie Bee said...

Sending lots of purrs and prayers!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OH NOOOO!!! OMC, how awful. Tucker, you get home right now! Maybe he's found a new hiding spot in the house and is stuck. Praying and purring very hard for his return.n :(

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Many, many, many purrs coming your way, ASAP.



olrebbie said...

heaping purrs upon purrs for your dear furriend to come home!!

Lily said...

Purrs and prayers! Lily disappeared for 3 days and I cried most of the time. Tucker please go home, your Mommy and Daddy miss you bunches!

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh my gosh....we are SO sorry to hear this! We're sending purrs and prayers your way right now. Please come home, sweet boy!
Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

Fuzzy Tales said...

We are purring HARD that Tucker comes home safe and soon NOW. We can well imagine you're beside yourself. Paws crossed; we think you're doing everything possible!

We're sure you are, but double check every spot, even the obvious ones or ones that are close to the house. He couldn't be stuck somewhere, could he?

Sending universal Light!!!

Kaz's Cats said...

Sending lots of 'Come Home' purrs to Tucker...

Roberta said...

I know Tucker is close by and is hiding somewhere. You will find him, Rene. Lots of purrs are being sent your way.

Unknown said...

Oh Sweetie, Miss Kitty and the gang are so sorry Tucker got out! My son has a Tucker too and he keeps them hunting for him on a daily basis! We sure are sending many purrs and prayers that he returns soon & safely!
Many Purrs Hugs & Prayers Rene,
Miss Kitty and the gang

Summer at said...

Oh no! I am purring like crazy for Tucker to come home. He must be disoriented, being outside. Maybe our collective energy will help him find his way back.

The Florida Furkids said...

Go home Tucker!!! NOW!!

The Florida Furkids

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I will cry with you. sending purrs.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Purring and praying as hard as we can for Tucker to come home. Come on, buddy, get your tail on home, your family misses you!!

Tinker, Angel Tom, Anastasia, Chopin and the mom

Lucy and some friends