Friday, November 8, 2013

A long day

I spent the day talking to neighbors, passing out flyers, and canvassing the neighborhood. I've done everything I can think of--posting on Facebook, craigslist, calling the police department, checking under porches, etc. 

A neighbor loaned me a cat-sized live trap (I had no idea someone nearby was experienced in trapping ferals) and it's set by the back door.

It's been an exhausting day. I still can't believe it.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Still sending you purrs, that Tucker will be home soon, keeping you all in our purrayers. (((Hugs)))

Unknown said...

Praying Tucker comes back home... being an older guy he needs the comforts of home!!
Many Purrs,

CATachresis said...

We are really hoping and praying Tucker returns very soon. You must be beside yourself with worry! xx

The Island Cats said...

We continue to purr that Tucker will find his way home real soon.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I am praying and the kids are purring for you and Tucker.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

We hope he finds his way back to the back door. Put some food out.
Greg and his cats hoping for the best.

Lucy and some friends