Friday, October 25, 2024

News from our house

This post is long overdue, but I haven't had the energy or desire to write it. This year has been full of ups and downs. My mom's cancer journey has been difficult and ongoing, my job has changed and we moved into a new office. My new employer is, essentially a start up, so many things are in a state of chaos. My job is secure, however; I've had good interactions with new coworkers so far and they've been supportive.

This summer, our street was under construction from mid February until late August. All utilities were upgraded and the street was repaved with concrete. It looks great now but was a giant hassle, and it put Sadie under a lot of stress. During that time, she started to decline, but we chalked it up to stress from the construction (we had a number of loud days with noisy trucks). . .but now I realize it was more than that.

She aged a lot this year. In July, I took her in for a checkup when I realized she'd lost a lot of weight. Her kidneys had declined a lot since her blood work from May. I had a checkup appointment for her on the 23rd, but decided not to take her in because we considered her "in hospice."

This morning she told us she was ready to fly. I made "that call" with the vet and we're letting her go this afternoon.

She turned 16 on August 23. She's always been more of a daddy's girl, but I'm thankful she chose to spend more time with me the past few weeks. She could be difficult to love at times, but when she did, it was extra special. We will sure miss her. I'm not sure Lucy or Ringo will care that she will be gone, as they didn't interact much with her, especially lately.

I'll miss you, you sassy girl. I'll always remember you as the tiny 8 ounce kitten I rescued all those years ago. I have a photo of my grandma holding you when you were a kitten. Perhaps she'll be there to greet you at the Bridge.

She was so tiny and loved to sleep near my neck.

From happier times in 2020

Monday, April 29, 2024

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd quickly run away.

Not me!

Orange cat next to rug

Nothing to see here.

orange cat walking toward you

Friday, April 26, 2024

Finally Friday from ridiculous Ringo

 I was on a work trip last week to Pennsylvania. It was a four day, three night whirlwind where I met tons of people and got many good contacts. Unfortunately, it was part of the weekend, so I feel pretty fried.

Please enjoy these photos of ridiculous Ringo in the sunbeam.

black and white cat in sunbeam

black and white cat in sunbeam

black and white cat in sunbeam

Friday, April 5, 2024

A Sadie while I work from home

 I could hardly believe my eyes a couple of weeks ago. Sadie came and sat on the futon behind me as I worked from home one day. She'd never done that before.

calico cat on futon

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Thrifty Thursday: Wand cat toy


This is Ringo. I told Mom that I wanted to host today's Thrifty Thursday. On Monday, Mom had a vacation day and in the afternoon, she went to something called a Goodwill Outlet in Milwaukee. You dig through bins and buy items by the pound.

Mom found a wand cat toy, and it's my new favorite! I carry it all around the house and deliver it to Dad's bathroom door.

I let Mom photograph it, but now it's mine again. I hope she goes there again because I'd love to have another cat toy like this. She says she will keep a lookout for me.

cat next to cat toy

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chillin' Ringo

 Ringo was acting so cute on the upstairs cat tree. Thankfully, he doesn't bother the ivy plant nearby.

black and white cat on cat tree

Monday, March 11, 2024

Two kitties in a basket

 Check out this cuteness! Lucy and Ringo both squeezed into the old wicker bed. We've had this bed for many years; it was Benny's when he was a kitten. We love that the kitties still use it.

two cats in a wicker basket

two cats in a wicker basket

News from our house

This post is long overdue, but I haven't had the energy or desire to write it. This year has been full of ups and downs. My mom's ca...