Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Favorite kitten antics

Having a kitten in the house again has been fun. There are so many unique "kitten" things they do. Since the boys are older, I'd forgotten about the. . .

• Walking sideways and puffing up when something startles them.
• Pouncing on feet and toes when you're under the covers in bed.
• Exploring anything and everything (wow, the toilet flushing is really interesting)
• That rumbly kitten purr
• Being able to go from sleep to play in seconds (and vice versa)

What's your favorite kitten antic? Post a comment and share it with us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait - you mean cats are supposed to outgrow this?:

"Pouncing on feet and toes when you're under the covers in bed."

Lucy and some friends