Monday, January 5, 2009

The cats "help" with chores

Once or twice per year, I wash the glassware that's on the shelving in the dining room. I wash them in dish soap and vinegar, let them dry a bit, then wipe dry with a dish rag.

Tucker decided to "supervise" one of the drying areas.

After his shift finished, Sadie took the role of junior supervisor. Needless to say, I did not trust her with the glasses and lost one of my drying areas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, so nice that Sadie is learning how to be 'helpful' from her big brother.

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd ...