Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grandma update and new smash photos

Sorry my entries have been sparse lately. I have pretty decent news about Grandma. She made it through the surgery just fine, and now has a pin in her right hip. She had to have a blood transfusion today, which my sister Cheryl says is not unusual after surgery. Depending on how she does, she will be transferred to a nursing home for rehab on Monday or Tuesday.

The family is hoping she will go to a nursing home in Clintonville, where my parents and Cheryl's family live.

We don't know if Grandma will be able to return to her home someday. She needs to stay at the nursing home for a minimum of 12 weeks to heal and regain her strength. Staying at a nursing home is frustrating for Grandma, since she has a pretty sharp mind, but we're hoping if she goes to Clintonville, she will have lots of visitors to keep her occupied.

In other news, today my sisters and I took mom out for her birthday (which is tomorrow). It was a nice end to a stressful weekend.

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Lucy and some friends