Friday, June 12, 2009

Playing with Prismacolor pencils

In rubber stamping, fads come and go, especially in how images are colored. Some techniques I've stayed away from (primarily because of the cost), but one that's interested me for a while is Prismacolor pencils. These are artist-grade colored pencils that are blended with mineral spirits, baby oil, or Goo Gone. I broke down and bought a set for a good price on eBay. These cards are some of my first attempts. The card above shows the "outlining" technique. You outline where you want to color, then use a paper stump and Goo Gone to pull the color toward the inside of the image.
The dragon above shows an image that was fully colored, then blended with the stumps. A few places, such as those with shadows, were colored with a darker color and blended again.

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