Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Views from the bike trail

Nicer weather means my bicycle comes out of hibernation and onto the bike trails. I took a 10.5 mile ride on the Glacial Drumlin trail on Sunday. This view is my favorite on the trail, about 1/2 way to Wales. You have to crane your neck, but you can peek through the shrubbery and see this great view.

A hopper parked on a spur near the railroad tracks.

Tons of these (unknown name) purple flowers were in bloom.

A view of the Fox River at the start of the trail.


The Rosie Bee said...

Wow, that looks amazing! What a great day for a ride.

Amy said...

And, egads, I had no idea you were such an ambitious bike rider. Pretty shot of the river.

Lucy and some friends