Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Benny and glaucoma/cataracts

Benny has an appointment with the opthalmalogist (sp?) today. He was (the doc guesses) born with cataracts in both eyes. The left eye's cataract is small and not a problem. The right eye has become a problem. It has a large cataract, which leaves him mostly blind in that eye.

The right has developed both uveitis (inflammation) and glaucoma, and he's on three different eye drops. For now, his pressure is steady, but because information on cats and glaucoma is so rare, we have limited treatment options. (In fact, there are no other medications left to try except what he's currently on.)

In the above photo, you can see that his right eye is a bit cloudy. Fortunately, it doesn't slow him down a bit, and he's very good about getting his eye drops.

If any of our cat-owning friends have any experience or information on cats and glaucoma, we'd appreciate your input. We'll post an update on Benny's appointment later! Wish him luck!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We do not have any experience but will Purr for Benny!

The Creek Cats said...

Bless heart Benny! We don't have info or experience with kitty glaucoma. Our Maya was diagnosed with a small cataract in one of his eyes at his appointment last month, but the vet said it wasn't affecting the vision yet.

Lucy and some friends