Monday, October 12, 2009

Argh, computer problems

This morning, Jim discovered that our computer would not boot up. He did a few tests, but because we both had to go to work, we didn't have time to see what was wrong.

I'm hoping re-installing the system software will fix the problem, but stay tuned. We both need the computer to work from home. Jim can log on to his work from home, and I'm in the middle of a freelance editing project. Argh!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We will purr that a reload will fix the problem. Computer problems are the worst problems.

Rene said...

I hate them! I'm a Mac person, and we have a PC at home, so my knowledge is limited.

The Creek Cats said...

What a bummer! Hopefully, it will be an easy fix!

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