Monday, May 10, 2010

Don't tell our people we posted

This is Benny. I like to sit on the computer chair, so the other cats said I should be the one to post. It's our person Rene's birthday today. She's such a good person--she took Tucker and I in for check-ups on her vacation day! We didn't like going to the vet, but we know it's best for our health. Our bloodwork is normal and everything is looking good for us.


Amy said...

*wave* Hi Benny! Glad you had a good day.

L!nL!n said...

Great News!
Your mommy person seems very guys are some lucky kitties =)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Benny - that is great that the vet trip had good results! And we won't say anything but we will send some good birthday wishes your person Rene's way! Silently, so they don't know you are posting, of course!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Birthday to Momma Rene! Glad your vet trip went well. What better present for your mom!

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Purrthday to your wonderful mommy!! So glad to hear your appointments at the vet went well!!

Lucy and some friends