Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A trio of lilies

Benny is doing a little better today. He played a little bit this morning, which he didn't do yesterday.

Yesterday, I realized I have three types of lily in bloom in the garden.

First, the traditional, old-fashioned day lily.

A miniature daylily. These are about 1/3 of the size of the old-fashioned variety.

A surprise, an Asiatic lily. A friend gave me some "mystery" bulbs last year, and this is what I got.


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Our mama loves lilies.....when she still owned her home, she had several day lilies...they were beautiful but sadly didn't bloom long enough!!!!!

We're purring for Benny. xxxxxxxxx

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Good news Benny was playing a little. That's a good sign!

Our mom loves lilies. We miss our sister Lilly.

A few Good Cats said...

Seeing those flowers makes us hungry! We're glad to hear the good news about Benny and will continue purring for him.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so behind we had no idea about Benny and his eye - we are sending over lots of purrs and prayers for him! We have a lot of eye issues at our house so I know that it is not a fun thing to deal with. But it is good that he is playing a bit - that is a very good sign!

And those are very pretty lillies! We like the white one best though!

Anonymous said...

The white one looks very like an Easter lily. Which color do you think you shared with me?

Glad Benny is doing a bit better.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Pretty lilies. glad Benny is doing better

Lucy and some friends