Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday card

Thought I would share a birthday card for Jim's sister's birthday, which is in August. (She doesn't own a computer, so we're pretty safe in posting it early.) I colored the cats to match our gang--thought it turned out cute. The image is from this fun site in the Netherlands, which is owned by a fellow cat lover.


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Great job!!!!!!!! We're sure she'll love it. xxxxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very cute card! You did a good job!

Amy & the house of cats said...

What a super cute card! I will have to visit that site - perfect for making cards from the cats! You did a great job!!

The Creek Cats said...

That's totally pawsome!

Sliekje said...

you made a lovely card with this image. So nice that you have colored them in the colors of your own cats :-)
greetings and cuddles for the cats!
Sliekje and cats

Anonymous said...

Seriously cute. Clicking through to the source page - I can see why you like the site, some have a bit of a Precious Moments vibe.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Awesome card! Definitely a keeper!

Arty'mrs said...

Love this card

Lucy and some friends