Monday, July 26, 2010

A most uncomfortable sleeping spot

Tucker continues to recover. He is off pain medication and doing well. His tail is still hanging at an odd angle, but it doesn't seem to bother him.  I spoiled him this weekend--he got to sit out on the porch and roll on the concrete driveway.

Jim had bought an action figure this weekend, and set the packaging down on the living room floor. Of course, Tucker decided it was a great sleeping spot. He even hammed it up while we took photos!


Amy & the house of cats said...

We are with Tucker - packaging is always a great place to take a nap! And we are glad that he is doing better - we know he will be fine in no time! And we sure hope he is milking it to get lots of treats and special fun time like going outside!! We know we would do that for sure!!

The Creek Cats said...

Awwww! Sweet Tucker!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You look like such a love, Tucker....our mama says she would love to get her hands on you!!!!! If we didn't like you so well, we'd be jealous...:) We're happy your tail is better. xxxxxxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We love to play in the packaging, too! WE are glad you are getting the special treatment because of your sore tail!

Amy J said...

Ooh, porch and outside time - nice!

Lucy and some friends