Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Party photos coming soon

The good news: Our new roof is installed and finished. It looks great (photos coming soon on that too). Tucker is also feeling better. He threw up once sometime during the day, but ate his dinner and breakfast and held them down.

The bad news: Sadie was quite traumatized by the roofers and hid in the basement. She slinked out just before my bed time, after much cajoling and shaking of the treat bag. She didn't enjoy her birthday very much, poor girl.

However, we celebrated early this morning instead. I will be posting photos and maybe a video or two of the event in the coming days.


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Birthday (a day late) sweet Sadie! XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Cat said...

Poor Sadie! It's nice that you are having another celebration now that the roof is finished :-) I'm so glad that Tucker is feeling a little better.

My guys HATE it when we have workman around the house...there is lots of hiding and slinking around with tummies low to the ground!

Old Kitty said...

Awww poor sweet Sadie!! Awww nevermind lovely Sadie - you have a great new roof! :-)

And great news about Tucker! Purrs and hugs to him!

Hello Benny!!

Take care

Kea said...

It's good the roof is done! We hope Sadie is back to her normal self today. Both Annie and Derry hide if any work is being done in the house, etc. Chumley used to too, he was especially afraid of men. Nicki, on the other hand, likes to be front and centre and in the middle of what's going on. :-)

Anonymous said...

We're very glad that Tucker is feeling better! We bet you are happier now that the roof is done!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Aw, poor traumatized Sadie! Glad Tucker is better, though, and that your new roof is on!

Katnip Lounge said...

Congrats on the completed roof job.

My troop HATES workmen at the house. Even the garbagemen! Poor Sadie, I sympathise.

MomKat Trish

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we are glad that the roofers are gone - we can totally understand the trauma. It is also good that Tucker is keeping things down!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose roofers make so much noise that we would hide, too!

Look at this cute face

 Jules is doing well. He loves playing, his brother Ringo, and is curious about Lucy but she keeps him at arm's length for now.