Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day hail

We were awoken this morning to a hail storm! I went out and took a photo of the 1" hail. Sadie hid in the basement during the storm, but came back out afterward.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That was some hail storm. WE hope every one and every thing is OK

Kea said...

Yikes! That was a serious storm! We're glad you're okay, hope there was no damage done!

Cat said...

Wow, that is some hail...where do you guys live?

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MEOWZA!!!!!!!!! We totally understand why Sadie hid in the basement, as it must have been really noisey!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy Cats! That is HUGE hail! We would have gone into Deep Hiding, too.

Old Kitty said...

That is ONE big hailstone!! Good grief!! Me and Charlie hope you are all ok!! Awww sweet Sadie, don't be scared you're with your lovely mum and dad and gorgeous Benny and Tucker! You are very very safe!

Happy Labour Day!

take care

The Island Cats said...

WOW! That's some big hail!

The Creek Cats said...

Wow! That's so serious hail!!

Anonymous said...

We didn't know anyplace got hail, just rain! We're glad that there wasn't any damage!

Lucy and some friends