Monday, October 18, 2010

Expert gift wrapper

After all the costume fuss, I let Tucker have some fun "helping" me wrap some gifts yesterday. He's an expert gift wrapper--he tests the tissue paper for freshness, sits on the rolls of paper, and will shred ribbon if I let him. Here, he sits on the bag of ribbon and bows.

All the gifts were wrapped successfully with his help.


Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Tucker!! You are a wonderful kitty for helping mum wrap up pressies!! Me and Charlie hope you got extra treats for being so helpful!! Yay!

Hugs and purrs to sweet Sadie and Benny too! take care

Anonymous said...

Good job, Tucker. Did you get any ribbon curls to chase?

Anonymous said...

We love to help wrap presents, too! We especially love tissue paper!

The Creek Cats said...

Tucker, you are such a great help!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Tucker it is great that you are so helpful to your mom and that she lets you help! We try to help with the wrapping and we just get shooed away!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Tissue paper is a lot of fun, isn't it Tucker. You are a good helper shredding ribbon!

Katnip Lounge said...

Naturally! Any job goes MUCH more smoothly and efficiently with help from a Cat.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

How nice of Tucker to help you wrap presents! He really is such a sweetheart - his big round eyes just slay me.

The Island Cats said...

Tucker, how nice that you got to help your mom wrap the presents!!

Lucy and some friends