Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Halloween package

A surprise package arrived from our friend Amy! Thank you!
Tucker immediately sat on the packaging. (Note the vintage orange tablecloth we use for Halloween.)

Candy corn bingo--what a cute and fun game!

Hey, look. These cat Halloween socks have built-in toys (pom pons) on them!

Tucker decides that, since there are no cat toys inside, that he will ignore me. 
Sorry guys. Maybe the next package will be for you. 


amyjtoo said...

Hey, I thought the pom-pom socks doubled as a cat toy, Tucker! If you still wore beastie bands, I would have looked for one for you. Really! :-)

Cat said...

How the socks!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a nice surprise.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh that is a cute package you got! Too bad that the kitties didn't get anything, but I am sure they can find a way to play with the pompom socks!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww Wow!! What a lovely package - full of fun things!! Me and Charlie love the socks with the pom poms!! Awww gorgeous Tucker!!! We think you found perfect bedding there! LOL!! Hello too to wonderful Benny and Sadie!! Take care

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I love Tucker's reaction to the contents! Cutie.

Lucy and some friends