Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cuddly lap kitties

Now that the weather has cooled off, the cats are always looking for a warm lap. Tucker came up near my legs first and fell asleep. Then Sadie came up.

At one point, Tucker woke up. He looked mildly annoyed, but went right back to sleep.

Sadie settled in and cuddled closer to Tucker.  They stayed this way for about 90 minutes, a new record!


Chez Cat said...

Awww, how sweet!

Anonymous said...

Aww, definitely sweet! Though, if that's Tucker's mildly annoyed look - I'd hate to see what really cranky looks like. :-)

Kea said...

So adorable! Our mom wishes we all were lap cats (just Derry is), because SHE'S cold now and wants the extra warmth of our furry bodies. MOL!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww sweet Tucker and adorable Sadie all tucked up together!! Awwwww!! That's so cute!! Me and Charlie are also waving to beautiful Benny! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THey are cute together!

Cat said...

So sweet, I love a kitty pile-up!!! My boys all sleep in the bed with us but they are rarely lap sitters so enjoy all the love you're getting :-)

The Daily Pip said...

Love how cats use each other as pillows!

Your pal, Pip

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Awww, adorable! I love when cats snuggle. Not sure there's anything cuter.

And Tucker's grumpy face is too cute. Scarlett makes a similar face, but unfortunately for her, it's too cute to take seriously.

Lucy and some friends