Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Comments for cats

Our friends at Katnip Lounge are raising money today for a feline rescue group. They'll donate .50 for each comment left. Take a few moments and help kitties in need. Today only.

While you're at their blog, look around a while. They have the most amazing Catio built for their cats.


Katnip Lounge said...

Thanks for spreading the word!

Cat said...

We've been over to leave a comment. We love the Lounge kitties, they are so generous and they throw the best parties in their catio!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Our dream vacation is to go to Vegas and visit the kitties at the Katnip Lounge!

Old Kitty said...

Yay!! Me and Charlie adore the Katnip Lounge kitties and think their commentathon is just AWESOME!! Take care

The Island Cats said...

We love the Lounge Kats!! And their catio!!

Anonymous said...

A catio?! We're so deprived!

Lucy and some friends