Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yummy apple pie

It took me a long time to decide what to make for Christmas Eve dinner. I wanted something Jim and I both liked, but that was something I usually don't make. I went with a basic apple pie.

I cut out a holly leaf shape in the middle and added green sprinkles.
What do you make for the holidays?


Katnip Lounge said...

Your pie looks delicious! The Baby would love to eat some crust.

We usually eat Italian food...hubby cooks and that's what he loves to make. I usually bake something fun like choc chip scones or brownies. btw, The Baby eats those, too!


The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That is beautiful, Rene! I love the leaf cut-out and the sprinkles.

Most of our Christmas traditions center around Christmas Eve, but it's anything goes on Christmas Day. This year we had a ham. And of course, cookies for dessert :)

The Creek Cats said...

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
The Creek Cats and Maggie May

Old Kitty said...

Oh!! Yum, yum, yum!! What a lovely apple pie!! And me and Charlie love the green sprinkles! Very festive!!!

I made chocolate banana cake for the family and a blueberry and apple pudding just for me! :-)

We are saying a big hello to gorgeou Tucker, Sadie and Benny! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That pie looks yummy. We cooked old family recipes for hash and sponge cake!

Anonymous said...

Pretty. I got favorable remarks for my cranberry coffeecake and mocha round cookies.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh that looks so cute with the holly cut out and the sprinkles! We don't do Christmas at our house, and everyone always does something different where we go (though we do get Candy Cane Pie from Bakers Square at my aunts every year) but my dad used to always make fudge from scratch every year - and sometimes I make it too.

Lucy and some friends