Friday, January 14, 2011

Somebody's sleeping

I love watching sleeping kitties. Do you? 


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I do, but they tend to make me want to join them!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...


Anonymous said...

Yes! It lowers the blood pressure!

Cat said...

I could watch them for hours!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Sadie! You look very cute sleeping there - and it looks like a very comfy place too!

Old Kitty said...

Awww beautiful Sadie dreaming sweet dreams!! Adorable!!

I love watching kitties sleep so much I always end up waking them!!

Me and Charlie are waving to lovely Benny and Tucker too! Take care

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, adorable! I love the little white paw.

Watching sleeping kitties is so relaxing. It's very hard to resist joining them sometimes, or scooping them and cuddling them.

Kea said...

It's mom Kim from Fuzzy Tales with a question re: antibiotics. (You had left a comment last week regarding Annie, indicating that you've not had luck with Clavamox.)

Well, Annie was okay for 2.5 days (5 doses), but since yesterday's suppertime dose has been huddled in the basement, obviously miserable, and not eating. The vet said to stop the Clavamox if that happened, so of course I won't give her this afternoon's dose, will call them first thing tomorrow AM.

But I am wondering what antibiotics have worked for your cats....I Googled Zeniquin, saw it also can put cats off their food. Whatever we try next has to be compounded so it can be syringed into her, since she can't be pilled.

If you get a chance to respond re: possible antibiotic alternatives, you can email me at -- thanks so much!

Lucy and some friends