Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Benny and the lunch bag, part 3

Did you miss the other parts of the saga? Here he is with my old lunchbag, and here's another video of him with my current lunch bag. What a funny boy he can be.


Kea said...

Haha! Benny, you are just too silly! Maybe you like all the lunch food smells? :-D

-Fuzzy Tales

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Benny, are you trying to tell your mom that you want to go to work with her? Or, did she have a tuna sammich for lunch?

Roberta said...

Benny, you are just too cute for words. Did you want to be a catwich?

Cat said...

Oh my gosh what a cutie-pie!!! It almost looked like he was going to curl up in it :-)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

He really wants to mark it as his!

Daniela said...

My mommy is in love with Benny. I think I am too


The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh my gosh, how funny! He must really like the food smells (either that, or you secretly coated your bag in catnip!)

Lucy and some friends