Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rest in peace, Mr. Whiskers

I received an email from friend Roberta that Mr. Whiskers went to the Bridge yesterday afternoon. He had taken a turn for the worse, and Roberta and her doctor decided to end his suffering.

I don't have a photo of Mr. W, but wanted to share a cat sympathy card I some time ago to honor his memory. Rest peacefully. I know you were very loved.


Cat said...

What a beautiful card and sentiment! We are very sorry to hear about Mr. Whiskers!!!

Old Kitty said...

Oh no! :-( Me and Charlie are so sorry to hear about Mr Whiskers! Our thoughts and prayers are with Roberta. We are truly sorry. :-(

This is such a beautiful card to remember this sweet lovely kitty.

Take care

Roberta said...

Thank you all for your kind words. Mr. Whiskers is at peace now. His Mommy misses him so much. Loved the pretty card, Rene.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we are so sorry that Mr Whiskers had to run off. What a beautiful card that is, and what a true sentiment too. We are sending his family lots of comforting purrs and prayers.

Daniela said...

What a gorgeous card. We will pray for his mama.


The Island Cats said...

We are sorry to hear about Mr. Whiskers. We send comforting purrs to Roberta.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry about Mr. Whikers!

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about Mr. Whiskers! That's a great card.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh I am so dreadfully sorry to read this rene! Poor sweet roberta...she loved mr whiskers so very much. we are on holiday and I can not even email her right now...oh i am sad....

Lucy and some friends