Sadie found an empty paper bag, and life was good.
Along came Tucker (if you look closely, you can see that his mouth is open).
He was doing his usually hiss-and-growl routine.
Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...
Oops! Poor Sadie! So much for her fun! :-D
Poor Sadie! All she wanted was a ladycat clubhouse!
I have to admit that happens at our house too sometimes...there is something about bags that makes the cats become very territorial!
Oh wow!! Such fun!! Enjoy your game of kitty in the bag lovely Sadie and Tucker!! Hugs to Benny too! take care
Sadie, did you stand your ground and keep possession of the bag
Kitties are so entertaining. Who needs TV when you have kitties.
Aw, Sadie looks so pleased - too bad Tucker rained, er, pounced on her parade!
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