Thursday, June 16, 2011

A sad day for our family

I'm sorry not to post a "real" update today, but my heart is heavy this morning. My Aunt Lois passed away early today after a long battle with cancer. She had battled several rounds of cancer off and on since 2003. I visited her several times in the hospital, rehab center, and finally, hospice home. I cherish that time and am glad she is no longer in pain. If you are someone who prays, we would appreciate some prayers this week.


Fuzzy Tales said...

We are so sorry for your loss, that your Aunt Lois has passed. Of course we're sending your entire family purrs and purrayers, wishing you all peace.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We share your sadness about Aunt Lois.

Cancer is a mean, vile illness. I watched my Dad suffer through it and it was a blessing when the fight was over.

I am sending you prayers and purrs to help you through this time.

Cat said...

I am so sorry to read this, please accept my heartfelt condolences! Cancer is horrible...

Amy J said...

Sorry to hear this, hon - but I know hospice took good care of her, and she's home in heaven (as my mom would have said).

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

My deepest condolences. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult and emotional time.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are so sad to hear of your loss.....our mama sends you cyberhugs in hopes they will help comfort you a bit......and of course us boys and Ms. Shelly are purring for you.

We also send lotza love.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. Know that your fans are here for you. We support you. Feel free to vent to us how you are feeling.

Old Kitty said...

Awww Rene!! We are so so so so sorry for your loss! We are lighting a candle for you and all your family in our hearts. Take care x

A few Good Cats said...

We also want to offer our deepest sympathies for your loss. Life can be so cruel. All anyone can ever do is try to make each day count.

Roberta said...

Rene, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet aunt. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Aunt Lois is finally free of pain and you will see her again in Heaven. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Aunt Lois will always be with you and she will never be forgotten.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, Rene, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Soft purrs and prayers in condolence to you!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry and sad for your fambly on the loss of your dear, sweet Aunt Lois. We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and purrayers.

Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy

Katnip Lounge said...

I'm just getting around to visit today; I am deeply sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Edy Mormus said...

I'm sorry for what happened. Accept our sincere condolences. Kata and her family
Take care! Hugs

Lucy and some friends