Monday, June 13, 2011

You ate WHAT?! #13

#13 is cantalope.

I should have added this one ages ago. Tucker has always loved cantalope. (In fact, I've read that lots of kitties like this melon. If any of your kitties do, let us know!) 
I let him have the remains of a piece recently.

A bonus video! I love how the melon rocks as he's licking it.


amyjtoo said...

Cute! I had a childhood cat who liked to lick an apple core if I didn't throw it out immediately - but can't say that I've ever tried cantaloupe with any cat.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom has not had a melon in so long, we do not know if we like it or not. WE do like corn on the cob!

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! I've never seen anything like this - melon!! Wonderful!! Beautiful Tucker just loves it - yay!!! Hugs too to sweet Sadie and Benny! take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

The mom's always amazed that kitties will eat bizarre stuff like this, because we don't even like human meat (cooked or raw). Cantaloupe? We just don't see the appeal!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, I'll bet I'd like cantalope! I love peaches!


Katnip Lounge said...

Johnson likes cantelope, especially the juice when it's cut up!

Sweet Pea adores sweet potatoes.

Roberta said...

You rock with that melon, Tucker.

The Daily Pip said...

I love watermelon - does that count?

Your pal, Pip

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, that is adorable! I had no idea cats liked melon - that is so funny.

Anonymous said...

One of mama's first kitties liked cantaloupe!

Lucy and some friends