Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Our person brought home a ton of canned cat food lately. She said there was a really good sale, whatever that is, and she was stocking up.

Hey, she found treats on sale too!

This is where our people keep our extra canned food in the basement.
It's nicely stocked now so we won't starve so we have a good selection of flavors.


Old Kitty said...

WOW!! What a treasure trove of yummy treats!! Yay!! Awwww lovely Tucker! You are doing a great job quality inspecting mum's shopping! Yay! Hugs too to sweet Benny and Sadie! take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

OMC, look at that stockpile! You're lucky kitties!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Holy carp! Now that's a well stocked pantry! What a nice mom you have!

The Daily Pip said...

You are lucky kitties!

Your pal, Pip

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a lot of food!

Anonymous said...

Appears to be an excellent selection! But, I'm jealous of this concept of cat food going on sale? :-)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like heaven!!!!!!!!!!! Is it party time??????


Lucy and some friends