Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 13th birthday, Tucker

Our Tucker boy turns 13 today! We can hardly believe it. Our friends at SAS, Sammy, Andy, and Shelly made us this great graphic to help us celebrate. We appreciate it so much.


Katnip Lounge said...

Happy PurrfDay Tucker! What a great day...the whole country is celebrating!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday Tucker. We heard Boom-Booms in your honor!

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!!!! I am 13, too!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

It's a great day for a birthday, Tucker. Have a really fun time!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy 13th. Have a wonderful FUn day celebrating. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Kewl~Kitty~Krew said...

We came over from Sammy, Andy, and Shelly's to wish you a furry Happy 13th Purrday, Tucker~!!! We are also your newest followers~!!! Also...Happy 4th of July~!!!

Sniffs & Wiffas~
The Kewl~Kitty~Krew
(King, Pandora, Cricket, and woofie, Lucky)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy birthday, handsome Tucker! We hope you have a fabulous day and a very happy 4th of July too!

Pip said...

Happy Burfday Tucker! And many more!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy, Happy, HAPPY 13th Birthday, sweet Tucker!!!!!!!!!

And also, Happy 4th of July.

We love y'all.

Old Kitty said...

Here is me and Charlie's song for you! Ahem!

Happy birthday gorgeous boy!
You are cute and full of joy!
You are lovely and so scrummy!
Happy birthday gorgeous boy!!

Hip hip hoooray!!

Happy birthday Tucker!!!! Take care


We just saw SAS say it was your purrday Tucker so we wanted to stop byu and wish you a VERY happy one (I just had my 12th purrday on the first)!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy belated 13th birthday, Tucker!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you Tucker!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Tucker-boy! I refuse to believe it's been that long since I met you. :-)

Lucy and some friends