Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's up with our odd schedule?

I apologize for the odd schedule this week. Both Jim and I have been on vacation, and have been sporadic in our posting. We'll get back on schedule next week! For now, I'd like to share our "most popular" video from our YouTube channel. It has 575 views and features our boy, Tucker.


Katnip Lounge said...

Aw Tucker, you are a chatty guy! That is so sweet of you to have a talk with your Mom.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwwwww sweet Tucker!!! You like to have a good ol chitchat with mum! Yay!!!!

Hugs too to gorgeous Benny and Sadie! take care

RoySr said...

Love the conversation. A little one-sided, but thasarrite. That happens when the Ladies get chatty. ;)

Lucy and some friends