Monday, August 8, 2011

Please purray for our friends

Our friends at SAS are going through some hard financial times. 
We are purraying that they can find a job quickly and not lose their housing or, worse, their cats!

We don't usually ask this, but if you have a few dollars to spare, could you donate them to SAS? Judi, their mom, does so much for the cat blogosphere--and she's graciously did makeovers to ours and many other blogs. There's a donate button on the right side of their blog.


The Daily Pip said...

Miss Judi is one of my most favorite people. We made a donation and hope others will too!

Your pal, Pip

Rene said...

Thanks, Pip. We made a donation also!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We will go there now!

Anonymous said...

Goodness! We'll try to leave them something!

Lucy and some friends