Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Thursday

Our friends at SAS have some photos of Shelly and Andy playing with toys we made for them! 
They are just adorable!

If you would like to buy some toys, please email us at rjschweitzer {@} wi {dot} rr {dot} com.

Also, Our life by Erin and Flynn are having a commentathon for SAS today. Stop by and leave a comment and they will donate 50 per comment! How generous!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Cool! We commented on Eric and Flynn's blog!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That was so sweet of you guys to send Sammy, Andy and Shelley those beautiful toys your mom makes! In troubling times, watching a kitty play with a toy can bring many smiles and much laughter to the beans. We have donated some cool cat themed items for the auction so be sure to check them out when the auction starts up!

Marg said...

That was so nice of you to send those toys to SAS. We know it lifted all their hearts to have such a nice package arrive. Do you sell the toys?? They sure are cute. Hope you have a really fun day.

Anonymous said...

Aww, you sent them both kinds of toys!

Old Kitty said...

Me and Charlie love the CB so much for helping out all our furriends and families whenever there is a need for help!! We are just so happy to be part of a great community!! We loved the toys you sent over to SAS!!! Yay!!! Hello gorgeous Sadie, Benny and Tucker! Take care

Lucy and some friends