Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time for a relaxing nap

Ah, the sunbeams are out, and the cat bed is available. Think I'll take an afternoon nap.

The sunbeam coverage is very good today.

Now, if you'll just stop with the flashy box, I can snuggle in and get some sleep!
Before I doze off, my people are asking for purrs today. Benny has his regular six-month checkup at the eye specialist today. He seems fine to me, but our people worry about his eye health.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Sadie, we hope you enjoy those sunbeams and your nap!

We're sending PURRS to Benny for his check-up, crossing our paws it will go well. Let us know!

Anonymous said...

Extra purrs for Sir Benny.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sending our purrs! Enjoy your nap, Sadie

Old Kitty said...

Sweet Sadie! Enjoy your precious sunbeams! Me and Charlie are sending adorable Benny extra hugs today too! And big hello to gorgeous Tucker! Take care

Roberta said...

Romeow and I are sending special purrs your way for brother Benny. We know he will pass with flying colors. Hope you got some nice zzz's in those warm sunbeams, Sadie.

Lucy and some friends