Friday, December 9, 2011

Wonderful support

I want to thank everyone who has left us a comment. It means so much to us. This news came out of the blue, and I (Rene) am not handling it well. I left work early because I was crying so much. Tucker was mine before Jim and I married, and he got me through a difficult divorce and many lonely nights. He is so devoted and always in the same room I am. I never imagined it would hurt this much.

Our friends at SASS made this wonderful graphic. Thank you so much. All of your support means the world to us.


Fuzzy Tales said...

(((Hugs))) and universal Light, Rene.

I get it, because Chumley and Annie got me through my split with my ex and they were the ones who were there when I was fetal on the floor, sobbing my guts out and seriously thinking about suicide. And that went on for a very, very long time (as it turned out, clinical depression).

I will never, ever have a bond with cats like I did with Annie and Chum--they saved me, gave me a reason to keep going, the ONLY reason.

So I do understand.

If there's anything I can do or share, please let me know.

Blessings and Peace.


Old Kitty said...

Awww Rene. I am so so sorry. This is so heartbreaking. Your special boy. I am so so sorry. Big big hugs and purrs for adorable amazing Tucker.

Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

We understand, too. Please take care of yourself, and give Tucker a kiss from me and Scott.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

brandi has been in my life for around 19 years! It has been, at times, very hard, but we stick together. We have gone through so much. So I am sending (((hugs))) and brandi sends many purrs, cause we get it.
mama Carol

Cat said...

Oh Rene I understand totally what you mean. My Molly was with me in my 20's, 30's, and 40's for all my major life moments. When she went to the bridge she was a very old lady who had a long and happy life but still I was shattered. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We know Tucker is a very special friend to you! We will keep those purrs coming!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You and Tucker have been through so much together. I hope you will have many months of quality time together. You have many blogging friends who know the type of pain you are feeling.


Purrs & woofs from the Funny Farmers

Roberta said...

Loved the beautiful graphic done by SASS. No matter what happens, Tucker will always be with you, Rene. I have to get more kleenex again.

Lucy and some friends