Thursday, January 19, 2012

A belated Christmas gift from Kata and family

Some of you may remember our friend Kata and her family. They live in Hungary and we met through Facebook. We did a seed exchange this winter. I sent a variety of flower and vegetable seeds from my garden, and they sent me some back.
A few of the packages have "?" written on them, so they will be a surprise.

Kata made me a new drawing, with both our cats and her cats on it.

They generously included some gifts--earrings and this perpetual cat calendar. Both Benny and Sadie checked it out.

We thank them for their package and thoughtfulness!


Fuzzy Tales said...

That's a wonderful package! The seed exchange is a great idea, and how fun for some of them to be a surprise. Though we hope there are planting (depth, sunlight, etc.) instructions included. LOL.

The perpetual calendar is cute, unique!

Amy J said...

It looks like fun for everyone. Especially like the seed exchange idea.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You gots lots of pictures to take when your new plants come up! Wonder what some of them are???? Mystery abounds!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww yay for Kata and her family!! Look at these very creative gifts! Yay!! Big hello gorgeous Tucker, Sadie and Benny! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Kate is the young lady that has sent you drawings before? That is a fun exchange. Can't wait to see what you get in the surprise packages!

Roberta said...

Oh, what fun it will be to see the pretty flowers that grow from the mystery seeds. What lovely gifts you received and they were given 4 paws up by Benny and Sadie. Kata is such a talented artist. Loved her picture.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

What a great package! That is such a cool idea to do a seed exchange. You'll have to update us on what the "?" seeds turn out to be!

The Island Cats said...

What a great package! It was very nice of Kata to send it!

Lucy and some friends