Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This sweater pleases me

No news yet on my mom's surgery. However, we did learn last night that one of Jim's aunts died yesterday.   Tucker is also not feeling well. He has a giant pustule on his chin (it's a severe form of kitty acne, like a giant sore. I've been to the vets and done research but can't find much information). I feel so bad about it; it must be quite painful and there's nothing I can do. He puked his breakfast this morning too. Purrs that he's feeling better soon. :-(

A couple of weeks ago, I made a bed from one of my sweaters and put it on the futon. Tucker was quite happy about that, and scrunched away.


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

That was very smart of you :)

Sorry to hear about Jim's aunt. I hope things get better for you all soon!

(as for the chin, does Tucker eat out of a bowl or off a plate? Sometimes just rubbing the chin on a bowl can be enough to set acne off on a cat that is prone to it.)

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I've heard about the bowl thing, too. Brandi had problems. Sometimes there is a reaction to certain kinds of plastic. We had to change the kind of bowls we use. Metal seems to work best. The acne went away.
Maybe that's why Tucker is upset. He's sensitive about his looks. Let's hope that's all.
purrrss and (((hugs)))
brandi &

Fuzzy Tales said...

Purrs and "purrayers" to Jim and his aunt's family, to your mom and of course to Tucker, as always. Hope you find a remedy for his chin. :-/

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Tucker looks very cozy on your sweater. Sending lots of purrs and prayers to you, Jim, Tucker and all your families

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet Tucker! One of my angel kitties had one of these growing on his chin too. The vets said to just leave it, it'll burst and it did and it became a blister then healed up ok. But it was awful to live with! :-( Poor Tucker! Me and Charlie are sending you tons of healing hugs and purrs.

We are sorry to hear about Jim's aunt. Please accept our deepest condolences.

We hope mum is ok too! Hugs to gorgeous Sadie and Benny! Take care

Roberta said...

Tucker, you look so cozy on Mommy's sweater and I bet it still had her sweet scent on it. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Stampindamour said...

Rene - I am so sorry to hear the sad news...

Plus, I hope Tucker's chin gets better soon...poor little guy. xo

-pamela :)

The Daily Pip said...

We are sending lots of love to Tucker. I hope he feels better soon. He looks very comfy on his sweater bed!

I am sorry to hear about Jim's Aunt ...

Your pal, Pip

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I'm so sorry about Jim's aunt! And poor Tucker. I hope he feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of kitty purrs to you guys! Hope Tucker feels better soon!

Katnip Lounge said...

Many purrs to yours and Jim's family, and we're all hoping your Mom is doing OK, considering.

Mommy has had to lance some of our pimples, we squirm like mad but it does feel good once it's done.

GreatGranny said...

Sorry about the loss of a family member. Sweet Tucker, red is your color. I enjoy Mom's clothes if she leaves it lying around. We hope Mom's leg gets better soon.
xoxo Kassey and her Mom

GreatGranny said...

We hope Tucker's chin heals soon.
xoxo Kassey

Jules and Ringo play patty paws

 Please enjoy this video of our two boys playing by a door. So cute!