Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A birthday contest!

Welcome to day two of Tucker's birthday celebration! Today, we're hosting a special giveaway. Want a chance to win these great cotton napkins?

Leave a comment (along with a way to contact you if you win) and you'll be entered. On the morning of Friday, July 6 I'll draw a random number choose a winner. Good luck!


The Island Cats said...

Oh what fun! Enter us!!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

How fun! We'd love to be entered!

Old Kitty said...

Me and Charlie just wanted to say a big hello to birthday boy Tucker!! Yay!!! Please don't enter us we've already won the e-cloths which was just utterly fab!! Thank you! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

We think we missed day 1 of Tucker's birthday, so belated happy birthday!

Don't enter us in the draw, either, but good luck to all who do!

Anonymous said...

Seriously cute!! Didn't know you had branched out from red embroidery to blue. :-)

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy happy birthday Tucker!! And many many more!!

Pip said...

Happy almost purrthday, Tucker! All those fireworks are just for you sweety!

Roberta said...

Oh, those kitty napkins are super cute. Count me in.

One more day, sweet Tucker, and you'll be 14 years young.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Those are adorable! I'd love to enter.

Lucy and some friends