Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Comment-a-thon for Tucker's birthday

We're having a comment-a-thon in honor of Tucker's birthday (today)! For each comment left on today's post, we will donate .25. Commenting is open until Friday, July 6.

All money raised will be donated to Tabby's Place, a non-profit, cage-free organization in New Jersey. We've followed their blog for several years, and they do good work (and Tucker, of course, is a tabby). They also have a great blog.

We will let you know what we donate after the comment-a-thon is closed. The Tabby's Place website has many choices (we think they are all good).

Spread the word, and happy commenting!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Aw, that's such a wonderful thing to do, they'll appreciate it so very much.

Here's to lots of comments! :-)

Smooches to Tucker from our mom and head butts from us.

Saku said...

Happy Birthday Tucker! We think your mom is pawsome for making donations in your honor.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!! such a wonderful thing to do for such a wonderful boy!

The Daily Pip said...

Happy birthday, Tucker!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Any fancy feast or niptinis around? Happy Birthday Tucker!

Your friend,Rosie (Pip's feline sister)

The Rosie Bee said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker! I love all the kittehs but you have a special place in my heart. :)


PS: Rosie mews "Happy Birthday!"

Anonymous said...

Have a very Happy Birthday Tucker. Have a piece of cakenip for me. Enjoy.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday , Tucker! We are on our way to party! We know about Tabby's place from Lizzie, Caitie and Nicky at It's All Good. Their Dad volunteers there!

Happy Independence Day!

A few Good Cats said...

Rene, that's so thoughtful of you to celebrate Tucker's birthday and help other cats at the same time! A very happy birthday to Tucker, and all our Good Cats wish him many more!

Thanks very much for the kind words about the Good Cats' blog. You're invited to check out the blog at the Tabby's Place site, with posts devoted to the sanctuary's past and present resident cats.

Shadoe said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!!! Guess what, the whole nation and some of Canada are celebrating your birthday today. Now THAT's awesome!!! :)

Amy J said...

Happy birthday, Tucker boy! Hope you're staying cool.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Happy Birthday Tucker! Hope you're having an absolutely wonderful week. Boy, are you ever smart. Peeps only celebrated my birthday for one day. Next year, I'm asking for a week! purrs

Lisa said...

Have a wonderful birthday Tucker!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!! What a wonderful thing you are doing to honor your birthday by donating to Tabby's Place!! We love Tabby's Place and all it's furry friends!! Thank you so much and I really hope for wonderful things for you!!

Anonymous said...

Tucker, wishing you the best on your birthday and everyday. xxoo <3 <3

Susan said...

Happy Bday Tucker! You're a cutie. Thanks for helping homeless kittes!

Emilie Airhart said...

A very Happy Birthday Tucker! 14 is quite the achievement.


Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You are such a good kitty to give to kitties in need!
But we already knew that.
Sweet Birthday wishes.

Lisa said...

This is for a friend of mine that was having problems posting a comment, so copy and paste for her: Barbara Taft I want to leave a happy birthday message for Tucker but I cannot post it on his blog~♥~Happy 13th Birthday Tucker~sending you kitty wishes and kisses your way~♥~

Barbara said...

Happy Birthday Tucker :)

David said...

Enjoy your day Tucker and thanks for helping Tabby's Place.

janelle said...

Happy birthday kitty kat

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Tucker! Thank you for sharing with Tabby's Place!

Webbthistle said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker! You must be very special to have a birthday on July 4! And to help Tabby's Place in this way. Enjoy the day and have fun with your peeps!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!!! What a wonderful gift you are giving!! I love the idea!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We support Tabby's Place too and got an email from them telling us about your commentathon! We have never visited your bloggie before but we think you look like fun kitties!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday America and Tucker. Best wishes and prayers for you both.

artful Dodger said...

Happy birthday Tucker...and here's to many many more!

Cat said...

Happy Birthday beautiful boy!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker! What a wonderful way to spend your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker and God Bless America AND Best Friends. This is a wonderful birthday tribute.

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Connie Reasoner Neidlinger said...

Extra noms for the birthday boy !! Happy birthday Tucker !!

Jammin Jess said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Marg said...

Happy Birthday Tucker. Tabby's Place is one of our favorite shelters. It is a great place. Thanks for doing this. Have a great day.

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker! We hope you get lots of treats today!

We love Tabby's's such a good thing you are doing having this commentathon!

Old Kitty said...

Sweet Tucker!! You Birthday Beauty!! Yay!!! Take care

Anonymous said...

Tucker, keep on 'truckin! Here's to another happy year!


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a wonderful birthday present. Happy Birthday!

Roberta said...

Happy birthday, Tucker boy, from me, Tiny and Callie. What an exciting week it has been. Mommy is doing such a kind thing and thinking about other kitties, too. You're still looking good, sweet Tucker.

jean said...

Happy birthday Tucker! What a fun thing to have to have your birthday on a holiday!

Cory said...

Did someone meow party??? You can count on us to help you celebrate! Happy birthday Tucker!

Plain Brown Tabby Toys & Treats said...

Happy Birthday Tucker. We are quite fond of tabbies, and especially fond of Tabby's Place.

We wish you a fun day filled with affection (and delicious treats!)

Pat and tabby assistants

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Birthday Tucker! Tabby Cats rock!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Lisa said...

From Kelly Ray Happy Birthday Tucker!!

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Happy Birthday Tucker! We hope you've been having a fun-filled week of celebrations. So nice that the 'rents are donating to Tabby's Place. They do great work.

Laura & Taffy

Katnip Lounge said...

YES! We are the 50th commenter! That makes our OCD Mommy happy.

Tucker, Happy Birthday sir! We are so glad to be celebrating with you.

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!! That is a cool idea to have a commentathon! Have a wonderful day!
Your TX furiends,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker!
The Minihans
Cape Coral, Fla

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker from your Iowa pals Char and Rollie Pollie. What a great way to celibrate, we're big fans of Tabby's Place!

The Adams household

Ayla said...

Happy birthday Tucker! Wish you all the best!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tucker! From Bob, Chris, and (of course) Luciano.

Ilene & PA Cats said...

Have a Happy Birthday Tucker filled with lots of chin skritches and treaties...from your feline friends in PA, Mitty, Pippy and Mamama, all fans of Tabby's Place!

Everycat said...

Happy Birthday Tucker, what a fine, fourteen year old tabby you are!

Hope you had a wonderful day

Oliver, Gerry & Mungo

Kim said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker!

From Fabulous Fuzzy, former FIV+ resident of Tabby's Place, who now lives at Volunteer Kim's place!

We wish you a wonderful day!

Angela at Tabby's Place said...

A happy and very blessed birthday to you, Tucker. We are all so touched and grateful for your kindness at Tabby's Place. Big giant hug to you.

Paula Jo Szegda-Davis said...

Happiest of birthdays Little Tucker! From Underground Railroad Rescued Kitties Network---getting kitties home safely!

AnneG said...

Happy Birthday, Tucker!! What a generous mom you have!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Happy belated birthday, Tucker!!

Jumbo said...

Hope you are still partying!

Anonymous said...

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Tucker, you cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Tucker, we love Tabby's place too!
Lucifer and Oliver.

Unknown said...

Wow, you have lots of friends Tucker!

May you have a happy birfday and many more to come.

Lucy and some friends